Easiest Video Ever About Extracting The Power of Google Analytics

Easiest Video Ever About Extracting The Power of Google Analytics
English | mov | 1280 x 720 | h264 1193 Kbps | 24 fps | aac stereo 44.1 KHz | 749.33 MB

Genre: Video training
This video helped me understand the power of Google Analytics.
I never bothered learning how exactly to use GA. Googles videos are a little boring for me. I prefer experienced people explaining it to me.
What You Learn:
get an inside look into how an industry leading analytics specialist sets up his analytics so you know where yours needs to be
what is the impact of your marketing activities on your bottom line? See what the end product looks like when youve properly set up Google Analytics
discover a paradoxical relationship between visits and revenue
how standard analytics falls short of giving you true insight
how idiots track success dont be an idiot
the most important metrics to follow and what they mean
how to dig deeper and go beyond the default and ultimately uninsightful metrics
the 1 question you need to ask yourself to unlock analytics power
what am i trying to do with my website?
the how to, step by step, from login to final step, of creating your advanced, custom forms
watch as justin goes inside Googles own store to walk you through the example
the multi step, complex process of setting up your goals
the simple, and sneaky mistake that even Andrew made that can really foul up your analytics data quality
the step by step process of creating a goal
learn how to organize and categorize your goals into goal sets so youre organized and save time
the key differences between googles goal types
how to properly identify and include goal URLs
a walk through of the goals overview report
the distinction between transaction and non transaction based goals so no matter what the purpose of your site is, google analytics can help you improve
look at conversion based on traffic source in order to see what marketing campaigns are actually paying off
how to drill down into your traffic sources report
learn which cities get the most conversion in the Map Overlay Report
the most important thing to be thinking about: how to take the data and get to a high level analysis of your business goals
how to set up a good mix of goals in order to get a full picture view of your sites performance
how to set up, step by step, a conversion funnel
And creating the funnel visualization report
how to then navigate and access the data your funnel represents to get key insights into where your conversion process is broken meaning youre losing customers
pinpoint where in your sites process you may be losing customers
why focussing on the very last 1 or 2 clicks will save you thousands of dollars and time and energy
how to identify and include your URLs
a critical mistake to avoid when setting up your conversion funnel
how to take advantage of the funnel visualization report
how to read your funnel visualization report
recover lost customers who bail on you just 1 or 2 clicks away
a/b testing is great, but you need to know WHERE to apply it
why it pays so much to focus on the bottom of your funnel and how it can skyrocket your results
additional resources to assist with a/b testing letting your customers tell you what they want
really making google analytics run how to use it to understand traffic sources and build effective partners
and in depth overview of the traffic sources
the three buckets that your traffic fits into, and how they impact your business
how to drill deep into your referring sites and find out to the exact page who is sending you traffic
make powerful new discoveries about profitable market segments you may not know about
how to get instant insight into your paid search/adwords campaign so you can focus on what works and cut what doesnt
how to set up, step by step, your marketing campaign tracking
link tagging what it is and how it helps you track your marketing activities
how to modify your links, with live examples, to get the most out of data to ensure you greater insight later on
find out if your market is more responsive to certain types of communication
how to read campaign reports and drill down deep to see which campaigns convert for you
how to sort and enter other dimensions of your analytics data to get exciting new insights
analytics nirvana it does exist, and we show you how to get there
the sexiest metric alive how to wed your customizations to bounce rate and spot trouble areas
how to understand what usage of site search means for your site and how your customers behave
can site search impact the bottom line?
the simple principle behind the fact that people who use site search on your site convert at a higher rate
an off the wall example
no need to use a google search functionality on your site works with other search providers as well site search terms and how they help you read your customers mind AND identify untapped profit centers
how site search and determine your sites design and navigation
makes the entire program valuable because you get instant clairvoyance into what people are actively looking to buy
two second process of setting up, step by step site search tracking so you can take advantage of this powerful aspect of analytics
one of the most important aspects of analytics
competitive intelligence that enables you to compare your sites performance to your industry and drill down into subcategories
how to read your benchmarking reports, and then use these insights to find more traffic, improve your engagement, or make new discoveries you hadnt thought of
what google shares with apple and how power users benefit
step by step instructions on creating a custom report so you can get just what you want and no fluff
BE LAZY automate its delivery so you never even have to log in to analytics instead get your valuable data emailed to you while you sleep
not set and what it means in your custom reporting as it relates to campaign revenue
how to due date comparisons to see how your data is changing day to day, week to week, and month to month
the first step you must take to get started
the second step you need to take to leverage the power of google analytics
conclusion and wrap up
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